Libertas West Midlands candidates

These are your Libertas candidates for the West Midlands region:

Thursday 14 May 2009

Neighbours campaign together for Libertas

Neighbours campaign together for Libertas in the EU Elections

Two out of the 6 Libertas candidates running in the EU elections are neighbours.
Zigi Davenport and Bridget Rose both living and working in Herefordshire are standing in the West Midlands for the new pan European party “Libertas” which will be fielding candidates in all 27 European countries in the forthcoming elections on June 4th. Bridget and Zigi have become seriously disillusioned with a bloated, wasteful and undemocratic European Union run by men in grey suits. They are campaigning for more democracy, accountability and transparency.

Zigi has lived in the county for over 30 years and has family links to the West Midlands as far back as the 1800’s with Davenport China, she sat for 15 years as a magistrate in Hereford and runs a successful property agency in the French Alps. She also ran an outside catering business and Zigi’s Bistro in Hereford. She and her husband have farmed together for 30 years. Zigi finds the red tape from Brussels a complete nonsense not helping farmers but causing unnecessary work and added expense. “The new regulations on sheep tagging mean we have to buy expensive new equipment and each sheep will have 2 tags – this is over regulation and the unelected beaurocrats from Brussels are completely detached from the realities on the ground”

She also said that “because Europe has been run in secrecy by élites that are simply unknown to most people, I want to be part of a grassroots movement that gives Europe back to its people”.

Bridget Rose agrees and said “I am appalled by the fact that despite being promised a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty,the European constitution, we have been signed up to a document which gives even more power to Brussels ”

Bridget was an officer in the British Army for nearly 25 years serving in Bosnia with the EU Force and Afghanistan as the NATO spokesperson for Regional Command South in Kandahar. She was recently the military assistant to the Deputy Supreme Commander for NATO in Europe. She has lived in the county for 25 years and has a small holding of cider apple orchards near Pembridge which she has run for 15 years. She has worked in Belgium and seen the Brussels machine at first hand “The only way to have real impact in stopping Europe steamrolling us into giving up our sovereign rights is to create a bloc of MEPs in the parliament who are all campaigning for the same thing – if all 27 European countries returned 5 MEPs we would have a powerful voice and would be able to reduce costs, reduce the amount of legislation (84% of our laws come from Brussels) and restore democracy”

Bridget and Zigi would be only too delighted to talk to anyone who would like to help them in their campaign or who would like to know more about this new dynamic party.

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