Libertas West Midlands candidates

These are your Libertas candidates for the West Midlands region:

Friday, 15 May 2009

Zigi Davenport

Hello, my name is Zigi Davenport and I’m a Libertas candidate for the West Midlands region in the European elections on June 4th later this year. I thought I should tell you a bit about myself to help you make an informed decision in the ballot box.

I’m fighting in this election because although I am a European, I feel Brussels and the whole EU has got too big and unruly. It has got out of hand, undemocratic, run by un-elected bureaucrats who are deaf and wasting our money, appearing to be only concerned with their own gravy train. They are implementing unnecessary laws often irrelevant to individual countries and without listening or accepting the votes and voices of their people.

I am a farmer’s wife living and working in Herefordshire for the past 30 years, in addition to running a Property Agency in the French Alps for 20 years. This takes me regularly to France & Switzerland working with local estate agents, craftsman and builders. In partnership with my husband, we have our own chalet in the Alps and a chalet sales and rental business.

My youth and education was spent in Essex and London. On leaving school I worked in Belgium & France before becoming an airhostess with BOAC following my love of people and travel until marriage, when I started Zigi’s Bistro in Hereford and an outside catering business. In 1978 I attended Herefordshire Agricultural College for 2 years to learn about farming! For 15 years I sat as a Magistrate in Hereford City, now on the supplementary list.

I have stepchildren and 7 step grandchildren. I worked with the local Red Cross for many years. My hobbies include tennis, skiing, gardening and interior design.

The Laws coming out of Brussels are now beyond a joke: in agriculture they are a serious threat to livelihoods, causing unnecessary financial burdens on farmers. Many in the UK have now deserted dairy, beef and breeding herds, due to never ending form filling and the recent sheep tag’s scare are almost the last straw! Food supplies and energy must be secure for our Country and Europe. Small firms are discouraged from starting due to more and more regulations or worse closing.

After the Irish No Vote and Declan Ganley’s stirring work I took an interest in and became more and more committed to his ideals for the party.

In the current economic climate the U.K cannot afford to pay increasing and excessive amounts to an unaccountable European commission, that makes laws by un-elected commissioners. Europe needs a new and fresh party, Libertas with its selection of candidates who are or have been in business, experienced, who are not professional politicians, will bring about a change in direction, and get cost effective results for the people.

My aim is to work for Libertas to ensure that the EU is accountable for the people of Europe, and that their voice and vote is listened to and acted on, at last!

Please give your vote on June 4th for a new pan-European party Libertas.

Thank you,

Zigi Davenport

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