Libertas West Midlands candidates

These are your Libertas candidates for the West Midlands region:

Thursday 14 May 2009

David Black

I'm David Black a retired Aero Service Engineer and businessman, a Libertas-UK Candidate for the West Midlands Region. I have lived and worked in many remote and hostile corners of the world in my former occupation and I have a wide experience of how the rest of the world lives, works and plays. I'm a married man for forty five years with a son and two grandchildren. A prime consideration in stepping forward to represent you and the Libertas-UK Party in the forthcoming Euro elections, is because I fear for their future if we fail to rein in these unelected Eurocrats making gigantic mistakes at our expense. To help you form an opinion of what I can do for you when elected to the European Parliament, I have set out below some notable achievements in my political career so far.

As an elected member of Derby City Council in the period 1996 to 2002 as the inspiration behind our own Community and Roads Users Independent Steering Executive (CRUISE). I held public meetings and formed an independent group which changed the Balance of Power in the City on three separate occasions. I did this in order to bring about changes of policy that benefited the local community and all its constituents. On being elected to the European Parliament I will immediately seek to bring this expertise and experience to bear in making the European Commission subject to democratic sanction before they can introduce any further directives or measures that the people deem inappropriate.

I'm absolutely sick and fed up with the raft of directives and new legislation that pours out the unelected bureaucracy in Brussels and Strasbourg. In particular the attempt to force on us a Constitution that will take away rights from our own elected Parliaments to veto matters that we as a democratic sovereign state feel are unnecessary and discriminate against the way we have done things for the best part of a thousand years. We have a Bill of Rights which has stood the test of time. We have no need of a Constitution that has already been turned down by France, Holland & Ireland.

In co-operation with like minded Libertas MEPs from countries across the European Union I will participate fully in seeking to end this ridiculous farce of decamping from Brussels to Strasbourg. We need only one Parliament and the expense of running two separate venues in these straitened times must end. For our own sakes and for our children and grand children we have to make this Union work in a secure and democratic way and this what I pledge to you I will be fighting for without delay.

1 comment:

  1. Hello David,

    I'm a little confused as the "West Midlands" region think that you're one of their candidates.

    Please advise
