Libertas West Midlands candidates

These are your Libertas candidates for the West Midlands region:

Friday 8 May 2009

Birmingham Votes '09

Does politics matter?

Well at Libertas we believe it does and its ripe for some much needed reform.

And we're not alone - on Saturday 9th May, the Electoral Reform Society are holding Birmingham Votes’09, an opportunity for the people of Birmingham to make politics work for them.

The day will be an chance for local community campaigns, faith groups, NGOs and the public to discuss how they can make their voices heard in the June election and beyond.

Activities include:

* Democracy question time - come with your thoughts on making democracy better and put them to our panel of local politicians
* Workshops and presentations – learn how to maximise voter power with our campaigning and elections experts
* Voter registration drive - ensure you are able to have your say on election day
* MEP speed dating – get up close and personal with your candidates for the EU elections
* Local and national campaigns – sign up to change on your street, change in Birmingham, or change to the whole political system!

This event is open to the public. Libertas candidate Jimmy Millard will be there to argue the Libertas case and answer questions - sadly the event was organised before we had got up and running in the West Midlands and so we don't have an official participation.

11.00- 11.30
Welcome and Registration
11.30 – 12.00
Does Politics Matter? - Introduction. Opportunities and obstacles facing Birmingham's voters
12.00 – 13.00
Democracy Question Time, including Richard Burden MP (Lab), John Hemming MP (LD), Councillor Salma Yaqoob (Respect) and Maggie Throup (Cons)
Lunch Break
Workshop 1: Euro Elections - voter registration (including for EU citizens and first time voters) how to campaign, tackling extremism. With former MEP David Hallam
Workshop 2: Looking Ahead to 2010 – what can expect from the next government and why? Is there any real choice? Whose votes will count?
15.00– 16.15
European Elections Hustings - with Euro candidates including Neena Gill MEP (Lab), Mike Nattrass MEP (UKIP), Phil Bennion (LD), Michael Burnett (Cons), Councillor Dave Nellist (Socialist/No2EU) and Felicity Norman (Green).

For more info visit the event web page at

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