Libertas West Midlands candidates

These are your Libertas candidates for the West Midlands region:

Thursday, 21 May 2009


In a video sent around Europe today, Libertas exposes the hypocrisy of the UK Independence party.

UKIP’s message of cleaning up Brussels is in direct contrast to how its members operate. Instead of fixing the problem, UKIP has become the problem. During the past European parliamentary term, a full quarter, 25%, of UKIP MEPs were either convicted of fraud, expelled for the same reason, or resigned in disgrace.

Nigel Farage can't stop the sleaze because he employs his wife, they refuse to publish even the most basic details of their expenses and UKIP has the laziest MEPs in Britain, attending just 60% of votes over the last five years.

DON'T judge UKIP on what they say but on HOW they behave. UKIP cannot change anything in Brussels - Libertas is the ONLY party that can change what is happening and stop the gravy train that is pouring out of Brussels. UKIP are NOT the answer, Libertas is.

Tuesday, 19 May 2009

Labour MEPs should disclose ALL expenses

Under pressure from Libertas Chairman Declan Ganley, former Labour Minister Denis MacShane MP admitted on television that Labour MEPs should disclose ALL expenses claims in advance of the European election on the 4th June. Labour MEPs just weeks ago voted to keep their expenses hidden from view.

Speaking on the BBC's Daily Politics Show, Mr MacShane also said that Libertas' campaign to put Europe back in the hands of the people, 'sounds terrific'.

Chairman, Declan Ganley said, "it's easy to make promises and conjure up soundbites on television, when the Brussels reality is completely different. On 12th March, Labour MEPs voted to keep their taxpayer-funded expenses a secret."

"We will be watching the British Labour Party closely on behalf of voters over the next three weeks, to ensure that - this time at least - they stick to their word."

The Great European Rip-Off

Best selling author David Craig made an impassioned plea today to voters to send an unequivocal “enough is enough” message to our politicians in Westminster and Brussels.

“You may think that most of our MPs at Westminster are crooks, but their stealing and thieving is petty cash compared to what’s happening in the European Union” claimed the author.

The vast scale of corruption and waste in Brussels is exposed in his latest book “The Great European Rip-Off”. David Craig is a candidate for Libertas in the South East region in the European elections on 4th June.

“Libertas has a mission to stop the waste, end the corruption and put democracy into the heart of Brussels. I want to do everything I can to assist that mission.”

David Craig previously caused a political storm when he released “Squandered – How Gordon Brown is wasting over one trillion pounds of our money”, exposing the shocking amounts of money wasted under New Labour.

Monday, 18 May 2009

World first: star in your own ad for Libertas

This week, Libertas is launching a revolutionary advertising campaign on the internet: in keeping with our mission to return Europe to the people, we’re asking anyone who supports our cause to make an ad for us.

Instead of one big corporate TV spot, we’re creating thousands of individual “people ads” - it’s grassroots, democratic advertising.

Here’s an example below. Please click on this link today ( and make your very own ad, which will then automatically run on sites like MySpace and help get the vote out.

It only takes a couple of minutes, it’s completely free, and most importantly, it lets you spread the word and convince others to vote Libertas on June 4!

Thank you,

Robin Matthews

Sunday, 17 May 2009

Trust in politicians is dead. They are traitors to their country.

This has been the darkest point in the history of British politics. Trust in politicians is dead.

Politicians right across the board have been exposed with their fingers in the till, and all they can say is that it was the system at fault. It’s disgusting. We should be able to trust our politicians enough to give them a suitcase full of used notes and say ‘just take what you think is right’. We shouldn’t have to implement a system of detailed controls to check that they aren’t fiddling the system!

Politicians are the guardians of our society. If we can’t trust them not to rob from us, then we certainly can’t trust them to run the economy, to handle massive business contracts, to run the NHS, to look after our personal information and so on.

These people are traitors to their country. They have irreparably damaged the entire political system. Full disclosure is the only way that we can drag the political class out of its current depression. That’s why this week we have made a series of ground-breaking pledges about how we will behave if elected. I strongly urge all other parties to follow suit.

It’s no longer simply a case of making sure that this doesn’t happen again. Too much damage has been caused. Our party leaders need to take a strong lead on this and completely rethink the way they do politics. If Libertas can make these promises, why can’t they?

-Robin Matthews

The most undeserved political rise in history

UKIP’s sudden boost in the polls is the most undeserved political rise in the history of Britain. The expense scandal has led to a massive 12% protest swing to UKIP in the latest poll, boosting them to 19% from their previous position on 7%. I am shocked.

There is no party that could deserve public support less if people are angry over expenses. UKIP lost two of its twelve MEPs to fraud charges, both Nigel Farage and Robert Kilroy-Silk employed their wives, they refuse to publish their expenses and UKIP’s MEPs are the laziest in Brussels, voting just 60% of the time. They have done nothing to deserve public support over expenses.

UKIP were well on their way to losing most of their seats in this election, having dropped 9% in the polls from their 2004 high point of 16%. They’ve done nothing for five years, apart from waste tax payers’ money on their lavish lifestyles in Brussels.

I am livid that in the same week that Libertas has launched a series of sleaze-busting pledges designed to stamp out sleaze in Britain, UKIP is gaining by default from this current scandal having done absolutely nothing to earn it. Bitter? You bet I am.

- Robin Matthews

Friday, 15 May 2009

Jimmy Millard

Hello, my name is James (Jimmy) Millard and I’m a Libertas candidate for the constituency of West Midlands in the European elections on June 4th later this year. I’m married with two young sons and run a internet software business which I started with two colleagues and which serves clients in the UK and overseas.

I consider myself to be a Europhile – that is I was born in France, have lived and studied there on three occasions, (in addition to living in Sweden, Italy and Hungary), and speak decent French and Italian. I have numerous close friends from many EU countries.

I’m standing as a candidate in this election because I’ve long held the view that if we in the UK are to end up as little more than a semi-autonomous region of some huge amorphous federal superstate then at least it should be with the explicit permission of the electorate of this country. I have no doubt that citizens of other countries feel broadly the same way – largely powerless and without voice. It is frankly amazing how we have got so close to that point in Europe now without at any time having had a say in the matter.

Originally an engineer, I started my career in the aerospace industry and have since worked as: a journalist covering the electricity / power generation markets; a strategy executive in industry; a management consultant; and a director of three small technology companies. I feel very strongly about the engineering and manufacturing sector and have witnessed at first hand the extraordinary results that can be achieved both in small entrepreneurial start-ups as well as huge multi-national collaborations between countries – e.g. aerospace programmes like Airbus, Tornado and Eurofighter.

I believe it is essential that industrial investment and technology leadership be maintained if we are to sustain growth and job creation going forwards. I am now in no doubt that EU leadership and competitiveness in many markets is being fast eroded by increasing amounts of unnecessary legislation, leaving US and Far Eastern businesses a golden opportunity to overtake us. I really believe that this summer’s elections offers voters a final opportunity to make some wholesale changes to the way the EU is governed and to ask serious questions about its direction and architecture. Such an opportunity may not come again.

Like many, I am irritated by the waste and excess which is so frequently uncovered in Brussels at all levels, and appalled by the contempt being shown to Irish voters (not to mention French and Dutch ones) by the Commission’s continued attempt to foist the Constitution / Treaty of Lisbon onto them. I am also now sufficiently motivated to leave my comfort zone and fight it.

I think Libertas is a novel and ambitious movement which by virtue of its pan-European scope could really achieve a critical mass in the European Parliament and force meaningful change in the EU before it’s too late. The EU needs major democratic reform, NOW.

I sincerely ask you to vote for me and my colleagues in the West Midlands as part of the new, pan-European Libertas on June 4th.

Thank you, James Millard

Bridget Rose

Bridget Rose has had a successful 24 year career as an Army officer and has now left the Forces to run as a candidate for Libertas. She was at school in Sutton Coldfield and in London before studying medieval history at St Andrews University. She joined the military and has served in a wide range of challenging appointments including in Bosnia and Afghanistan where she was the NATO spokesperson for the regional command south. Her last appointment was as the Military Assistant to the Deputy Supreme Allied Commander of NATO in Europe where she had regular contact with the EU and its complex beaurocracy. It was this that inspired her to join the Libertas campaign for more accountability, transparency and democracy within the Union.

During a four year gap in service Bridget had experience in the City where she worked for N M Rothschild in the gold markets and ran a successful small business in Herefordshire making smoked game products for restaurants and retailers.

Bridget lives in Herefordshire and has a small holding growing cider apples for a local business which she has done for 10 years. She has been a member of the Parish Council and is a staunch member of the British Legion. Bridget has created a wonderful fruit maze with over 60 different varieties of fruit tree and loves music and art.

The importance of this election cannot be underestimated – each day that goes by sees Brussels notching up new powers and the time has come to halt the steamroller and to re establish the democratic voice.

Zigi Davenport

Hello, my name is Zigi Davenport and I’m a Libertas candidate for the West Midlands region in the European elections on June 4th later this year. I thought I should tell you a bit about myself to help you make an informed decision in the ballot box.

I’m fighting in this election because although I am a European, I feel Brussels and the whole EU has got too big and unruly. It has got out of hand, undemocratic, run by un-elected bureaucrats who are deaf and wasting our money, appearing to be only concerned with their own gravy train. They are implementing unnecessary laws often irrelevant to individual countries and without listening or accepting the votes and voices of their people.

I am a farmer’s wife living and working in Herefordshire for the past 30 years, in addition to running a Property Agency in the French Alps for 20 years. This takes me regularly to France & Switzerland working with local estate agents, craftsman and builders. In partnership with my husband, we have our own chalet in the Alps and a chalet sales and rental business.

My youth and education was spent in Essex and London. On leaving school I worked in Belgium & France before becoming an airhostess with BOAC following my love of people and travel until marriage, when I started Zigi’s Bistro in Hereford and an outside catering business. In 1978 I attended Herefordshire Agricultural College for 2 years to learn about farming! For 15 years I sat as a Magistrate in Hereford City, now on the supplementary list.

I have stepchildren and 7 step grandchildren. I worked with the local Red Cross for many years. My hobbies include tennis, skiing, gardening and interior design.

The Laws coming out of Brussels are now beyond a joke: in agriculture they are a serious threat to livelihoods, causing unnecessary financial burdens on farmers. Many in the UK have now deserted dairy, beef and breeding herds, due to never ending form filling and the recent sheep tag’s scare are almost the last straw! Food supplies and energy must be secure for our Country and Europe. Small firms are discouraged from starting due to more and more regulations or worse closing.

After the Irish No Vote and Declan Ganley’s stirring work I took an interest in and became more and more committed to his ideals for the party.

In the current economic climate the U.K cannot afford to pay increasing and excessive amounts to an unaccountable European commission, that makes laws by un-elected commissioners. Europe needs a new and fresh party, Libertas with its selection of candidates who are or have been in business, experienced, who are not professional politicians, will bring about a change in direction, and get cost effective results for the people.

My aim is to work for Libertas to ensure that the EU is accountable for the people of Europe, and that their voice and vote is listened to and acted on, at last!

Please give your vote on June 4th for a new pan-European party Libertas.

Thank you,

Zigi Davenport

Andy Bebbington

Hello, my name is Andy Bebbington and I’m the Libertas candidate for the constituency of West Midlands in the European elections on June 4th later this year. I would like to tell you a bit about myself and Libertas to help you make an informed decision at the ballot box.

I’m fighting in this election because I believe that the EU in its present form is not only bad for my country but is also bad for Europe as a whole. However, it doesn’t have to be that way. With reform, the EU can be turned into something that will be good for itself and for its member states. Through Libertas I want to fight for a better EU that is democratically accountable to all the people of Europe; that doesn’t hide its decision making behind closed doors; that only takes power from member states where it is appropriate and that hands back power to sovereign member states where this is more appropriate.

I trained as an electrical engineer with the Central Electricity Generating Board. During my career, I have worked at several power stations in the UK and abroad. I currently work at a power station in the midlands. My wife is a teacher working with special needs pupils. We have two sons. One is at University studying computer science. The other has special needs and lives in supported accommodation.

Because of EU directives, everything that we do, both at work and at home, involves more and more regulations and unnecessary paperwork. This makes our lives more difficult and stifles innovation and productivity. Every hour spent on paperwork and bureaucracy is one less spent doing something productive. Home Information Packs are a good (or is that bad?) example. Paperwork and expense that no-one wants. Some paperwork is always necessary but the EU seems to take every little task and bury it in a mountain of paper that can’t possibly serve any useful purpose.

So what are Libertas’ and my priorities?
Because I believe that democracy is one of the values that unites ALL Europeans, Libertas will make the EU truly open and accountable. We want to publicize the way decisions are made and who makes them, so that we can make Europe work for us.

The economy is in an unprecedented mess, Libertas and I will ensure that EVERY penny spent by Europe demonstrates value-for-money, in order that we can safeguard our financial future, and that of our children.

For too long, the EU has been run in secrecy by élites and bureaucrats that are unknown to most people. I want to be part of a movement that gives Europe back to its people.

That is why I ask you to vote for me and the new, pan-European party, Libertas on June 4th.

Thank you,

Andy Bebbington

Matthew Lingard

Hello, my name is Matthew Lingard and I’m the Libertas candidate for the constituency of the West Midlands in the European elections in June this year. I thought I should tell you a bit about myself to help you make an informed decision at the ballot box.

I’m fighting in this election because I’m really concerned about the European Union, which makes around 80% of our laws, being unaccountable to the people it is supposed to serve. I think it’s time that we – the people – reform and renew Europe ourselves. And now, in a time of global financial turmoil, it is more critical than ever before.

I understand the pressures the recession is putting on hard-working families all over the West Midlands. I know what it means to see your taxes shoot up just as your weekly wage goes down. And being trained as a Social Worker has given me the tools to stand up and advocate for others, especially those who can’t fight for themselves.

Politically, I am a Socialist, showing the wide appeal of the Libertas movement. My ideals are to replace capitalism – a system that creates inequality and injustice – with a socialist system whose institutions represent and are democratically controlled by and accountable to the people as a whole.

Libertas and I will ensure that every penny spent by Europe demonstrates value-for-money, in order that we can safeguard our future, and that of our children.

I believe that democracy is one of the values that unites all Europeans and Libertas will make the EU truly open and accountable like never before. We want to publicise the way decisions are made and who makes them, so that we can make Europe work for us.

Because Europe has been run in secrecy by élites and bureaucrats that are simply unknown to most people, I want to be part of a grassroots group that gives Europe back to the people it serves.

That is why I ask you to vote for me and the new, pan-European party Libertas in June.

Thursday, 14 May 2009

Neighbours campaign together for Libertas

Neighbours campaign together for Libertas in the EU Elections

Two out of the 6 Libertas candidates running in the EU elections are neighbours.
Zigi Davenport and Bridget Rose both living and working in Herefordshire are standing in the West Midlands for the new pan European party “Libertas” which will be fielding candidates in all 27 European countries in the forthcoming elections on June 4th. Bridget and Zigi have become seriously disillusioned with a bloated, wasteful and undemocratic European Union run by men in grey suits. They are campaigning for more democracy, accountability and transparency.

Zigi has lived in the county for over 30 years and has family links to the West Midlands as far back as the 1800’s with Davenport China, she sat for 15 years as a magistrate in Hereford and runs a successful property agency in the French Alps. She also ran an outside catering business and Zigi’s Bistro in Hereford. She and her husband have farmed together for 30 years. Zigi finds the red tape from Brussels a complete nonsense not helping farmers but causing unnecessary work and added expense. “The new regulations on sheep tagging mean we have to buy expensive new equipment and each sheep will have 2 tags – this is over regulation and the unelected beaurocrats from Brussels are completely detached from the realities on the ground”

She also said that “because Europe has been run in secrecy by élites that are simply unknown to most people, I want to be part of a grassroots movement that gives Europe back to its people”.

Bridget Rose agrees and said “I am appalled by the fact that despite being promised a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty,the European constitution, we have been signed up to a document which gives even more power to Brussels ”

Bridget was an officer in the British Army for nearly 25 years serving in Bosnia with the EU Force and Afghanistan as the NATO spokesperson for Regional Command South in Kandahar. She was recently the military assistant to the Deputy Supreme Commander for NATO in Europe. She has lived in the county for 25 years and has a small holding of cider apple orchards near Pembridge which she has run for 15 years. She has worked in Belgium and seen the Brussels machine at first hand “The only way to have real impact in stopping Europe steamrolling us into giving up our sovereign rights is to create a bloc of MEPs in the parliament who are all campaigning for the same thing – if all 27 European countries returned 5 MEPs we would have a powerful voice and would be able to reduce costs, reduce the amount of legislation (84% of our laws come from Brussels) and restore democracy”

Bridget and Zigi would be only too delighted to talk to anyone who would like to help them in their campaign or who would like to know more about this new dynamic party.

David Black

I'm David Black a retired Aero Service Engineer and businessman, a Libertas-UK Candidate for the West Midlands Region. I have lived and worked in many remote and hostile corners of the world in my former occupation and I have a wide experience of how the rest of the world lives, works and plays. I'm a married man for forty five years with a son and two grandchildren. A prime consideration in stepping forward to represent you and the Libertas-UK Party in the forthcoming Euro elections, is because I fear for their future if we fail to rein in these unelected Eurocrats making gigantic mistakes at our expense. To help you form an opinion of what I can do for you when elected to the European Parliament, I have set out below some notable achievements in my political career so far.

As an elected member of Derby City Council in the period 1996 to 2002 as the inspiration behind our own Community and Roads Users Independent Steering Executive (CRUISE). I held public meetings and formed an independent group which changed the Balance of Power in the City on three separate occasions. I did this in order to bring about changes of policy that benefited the local community and all its constituents. On being elected to the European Parliament I will immediately seek to bring this expertise and experience to bear in making the European Commission subject to democratic sanction before they can introduce any further directives or measures that the people deem inappropriate.

I'm absolutely sick and fed up with the raft of directives and new legislation that pours out the unelected bureaucracy in Brussels and Strasbourg. In particular the attempt to force on us a Constitution that will take away rights from our own elected Parliaments to veto matters that we as a democratic sovereign state feel are unnecessary and discriminate against the way we have done things for the best part of a thousand years. We have a Bill of Rights which has stood the test of time. We have no need of a Constitution that has already been turned down by France, Holland & Ireland.

In co-operation with like minded Libertas MEPs from countries across the European Union I will participate fully in seeking to end this ridiculous farce of decamping from Brussels to Strasbourg. We need only one Parliament and the expense of running two separate venues in these straitened times must end. For our own sakes and for our children and grand children we have to make this Union work in a secure and democratic way and this what I pledge to you I will be fighting for without delay.

Wednesday, 13 May 2009

It’s Stamp Out Sleaze Week!

Following a weekend dominated by MPs’ expense scandals, I am proud to announce that Libertas is today leading the charge to Stamp Out Sleaze.

The party is launching five pledges this week, one each day, designed to tackle the root cause of sleaze.

Our first Stamp Out Sleaze pledge is a promise from all Libertas candidates that, if elected, they will publish their expenses in detail, including receipts and explanations of what the purchase was for. Tax payers have a right to see how their cash is being spent and whether they are getting value for money.

We want to lead by example. Politics doesn’t have to be dirty. Our politicians should be people that we can trust to look after our money both wisely and frugally. That’s why we are today promising to be completely open about how we spend tax payers’ money, and I invite all the other parties to sign up to this pledge too, and together we can rebuild trust in our politicians.

The EU is broken, but Libertas can fix it.

- Robin Matthews

Monday, 11 May 2009

The downward spiral of trust in politicians

As everyone will have seen, the news in the UK this weekend has been dominated with the expense abuse by UK MPs from all sides. While the Labour party have been claiming expenses for sink plugs and films, the Conservatives have let the taxpayer foot the bill for their dog food and light bulbs. I wonder, where is the party of integrity? where are the politicians who seek to represent their people as best they can? rather than bleed them dry and let them pick up the tab for all manner of trivialities.

It is no wonder that people distrust politicians when they are ripping off the public left right and centre.

Now, I know there are some that genuinely want to help their constituents, and who do possess the moral fibre to use their expense accounts legitimately and responsibly, but they should not be the exception, they should be the rule.

The fact is, it is a poorly organised system, which is easily abused because of its lack of transparency and openness. If there was a system of full disclosure of expenses (as advocated by Libertas), then none of this would happen.

I notice David Cameron has told MPs to "say sorry" ( to the public for essentially stealing their money - using it to line their pockets and subsidise their already well paid positions instead of putting it into underfunded public services.

The same thing is happening in Brussels, but people in the UK feel so disengaged with European politics that it is largely unnoticed. The Taxpayers' alliance published an eye-opening report on how easily expenses can be abused in Brussels, and how MEPs can become millionaires in one 5 year term. It's been around a while but for those that are yet to see it, it can be found here -

Is an apology enough? Does that absolve these rip-off merchants?

The answer is to introduce full disclosure and openness for all expenses, so that people can see exactly where their hard earned money is going in the UK and in Europe.

Libertas has always been committed to democracy accountability and transparency.

With turnout so low in the UK for the European elections it plays into the hands of the mainstream national parties, who have now been exposed as untrustworthy expense cheats, who are only apologising now they have been caught out. This has been going on for far too long, and they have known exactly what they have been doing.

To usher in a new era of openness and politicians you can trust vote for Libertas on June 4th. To keep upto date with all of the Libertas news including candidate launches across Europe sign up to the Libertas mailing list at and encourage your friends to do the same...

Friday, 8 May 2009

Warwick University - EU Debate

Libertas West Midlands candidate Jimmy Millard will be debating the merits and issues surrounding the EU at a specially arranged event at Warwick University to raise awareness of the European elections on June 4th.

The other confirmed speaker is Liberal Democrat MEP Liz Lynne, and organisers are trying to find representatives of other major parties. The Chair of the debate will be the President of the Students' Union at Warwick, Stuart Thomson.

In addition to debate on the the merits of the EU, there could be any topical questions raised by the audience on things in the news like swine flu, the Gurkhas, Gordon Brown's leadership and MP's expenses.

Anyone interested in attending should contact Tim Hodgson (Lib Dems) on his mobile 07813 514804 in advance as places are limited. It starts at 6pm on Monday 11th in Campus room S0.09 in the Social Studies building.

Birmingham Votes '09

Does politics matter?

Well at Libertas we believe it does and its ripe for some much needed reform.

And we're not alone - on Saturday 9th May, the Electoral Reform Society are holding Birmingham Votes’09, an opportunity for the people of Birmingham to make politics work for them.

The day will be an chance for local community campaigns, faith groups, NGOs and the public to discuss how they can make their voices heard in the June election and beyond.

Activities include:

* Democracy question time - come with your thoughts on making democracy better and put them to our panel of local politicians
* Workshops and presentations – learn how to maximise voter power with our campaigning and elections experts
* Voter registration drive - ensure you are able to have your say on election day
* MEP speed dating – get up close and personal with your candidates for the EU elections
* Local and national campaigns – sign up to change on your street, change in Birmingham, or change to the whole political system!

This event is open to the public. Libertas candidate Jimmy Millard will be there to argue the Libertas case and answer questions - sadly the event was organised before we had got up and running in the West Midlands and so we don't have an official participation.

11.00- 11.30
Welcome and Registration
11.30 – 12.00
Does Politics Matter? - Introduction. Opportunities and obstacles facing Birmingham's voters
12.00 – 13.00
Democracy Question Time, including Richard Burden MP (Lab), John Hemming MP (LD), Councillor Salma Yaqoob (Respect) and Maggie Throup (Cons)
Lunch Break
Workshop 1: Euro Elections - voter registration (including for EU citizens and first time voters) how to campaign, tackling extremism. With former MEP David Hallam
Workshop 2: Looking Ahead to 2010 – what can expect from the next government and why? Is there any real choice? Whose votes will count?
15.00– 16.15
European Elections Hustings - with Euro candidates including Neena Gill MEP (Lab), Mike Nattrass MEP (UKIP), Phil Bennion (LD), Michael Burnett (Cons), Councillor Dave Nellist (Socialist/No2EU) and Felicity Norman (Green).

For more info visit the event web page at

Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Deaf Ear to Democracy

In an incredible display of arrogance and disrespect for the will of the people, members of the European Parliament will have a lengthy debate tonight on the implementation of the Lisbon Treaty. That’s right, the Lisbon Treaty, the same Treaty that Libertas defeated in Ireland and - according to the EU's own rules - is now dead.

Apparently, the bureaucrats in Brussels don’t care what the people think. And the truth is, they don’t need to. Because, right now there is no one to hold them to account.

That’s why the movement you are building right now is so important. It’s up to you whether or not Europe will be accountable to its people. Libertas is our last chance - our only chance - to make sure we have democracy at the heart of the European Union.

The European Elections are only 29 days away. Please email everyone in your contact book. Ask your friends. And get ONE more person to join the movement today.

The MEPs will debate a total of five different reports for this anti-democratic debate, including the Parliament’s new role and responsibilities in implementing the Lisbon Treaty. This discussion is a perfect example of the inherent disrespect the EU has for the democratic views of European citizens, and the lack of accountability to which we are strongly opposed.

This morning Libertas Chairman, and leader of the winning “No” campaign in the 2008 Irish referendum, Declan Ganley said, “Members of the European Parliament are completely out of touch with reality. Instead of debating real issues like how to solve the economic crisis, they are spending resources on something which does not exist because it has been rejected by the people who were allowed a vote on it.

This displays their arrogance, their disrespect for democracy and their waste of taxpayers’ money".

No wonder multiple newspapers across Europe have now confirmed that Brussels is living in fear of our movement, the Libertas movement. What those bureaucrats fear most is a movement of the people. Because they know that if millions of us act together, as Europeans, we will create a new hope for the future – a Europe where Brussels is efficient, focused on creating jobs and restoring our economy, and is overseen by the people.

Please email everyone in your contact list. Ask your friends. And get one more person to join the movement today.

The Libertas movement is gaining tremendous momentum across Europe. We have united the leading figures of the “No” campaigns in France, Ireland and the Netherlands (Declan Ganley, Philippe de Villiers and Eline van den Broek) who worked tirelessly to make sure that the people in their countries were given a vote.

But, now, we need YOU. Our movement is in your hands. You are it. The new hope for Europe will live or die based on what you do now.

So, if you want a strong Europe, a democratic Europe where only elected leaders make the law; if you want a referendum on any Constitution; if you want a real solution to the economic crisis; if you want to hold Brussels to account; if you want to renew the hope that we all had for Europe, then help build the first true party of Europe. A party dedicated to openness, accountability, transparency and democracy.

There are millions of others like you who want a new Europe – they are your friends, your work colleagues, your family members, your neighbours, and members of your community and now we need you to get them to join our cause.