Libertas West Midlands candidates

These are your Libertas candidates for the West Midlands region:

Thursday 2 April 2009

Libertas is up and running in the West Midlands

I am delighted to announce that Libertas - the pan-European party aiming to reform the EU - is very much up and running in the West Midlands, and our official launch to the media is less than three weeks away. Monday April 20th is looking like the day and a confirmation on that will be out shortly.

If you're reading this the chances are you're already aware of Libertas and what it stands for in the forthcoming European elections - if you're not then please visit our new site at and register. We'll keep you up to date with a Newsletter about daily Libertas life and also some snippets from Brussels to keep you amazed with what takes place with your money and in your name.

Over the next few weeks we will be campaigning hard in the West Midlands to ensure that Libertas candidates are elected - not just in the UK but across the 27 member states of the EU. Its a massive task and we need armies of activists and supporters to help spread the word - there is no other way. We are also still inviting high quality candidates to step forward and join our West Midlands list.

We will be fighting actively on a number of EU issues that impact directly on the West Midlands - setting out our case clearly and concisely so that people can make up their own minds. At Libertas we are not afraid of political debate and will taking the established parties and their MEPs head on. Its time we shone a light into some dark places - for example:-

* Have the Tories really made any difference since three Conservative MEPs were elected from the West Midlands in 2004? Sure they and their 24 other UK colleagues all joined up with similar centre-right MEPs from other countries in the European People's Party (EPP), but even this great caucus of 288 MEPS failed to stop the heavily-defeated European Constitution being resurrected from the dead as the "frankenstein" Treaty of Lisbon, a piece of superstate-enabling legislation now being steamrollered into EU law.

If they couldn't stop it from within the EPP - the largest single political grouping in Brussels representing some 37% of the entire European Parliament - how on earth are they going to stop it once David Cameron pulls them out in June (as he has promised to do).

* Labour's record on Europe is almost too shameful to report. Having said that the blame for this actually lies at the door of No. 10 Downing Street not with the individual MEPs elected, who will no doubt dread being asked by their constituents why exactly the Referendum on the EU Constitution (which was promised as a cast-iron manifesto pledge in the 2004 European elections and the 2005 UK general election) was quietly dropped in time for Gordon Brown to ratify the Treaty of Lisbon in Dec. 2007.

Historians will look back at this decision as one of the most disgraceful democratic deceits of modern times: at Libertas we believe that voters will acknowledge this fact and will punish Labour for it accordingly on June 4th. Libertas insists that all countries (and especially this one) should consult their electorate on such a fundamental Treaty as this one.

* And lets not forget UKIP - as if we could ! UKIP really must now come clean and admit the appalling consequences for the West Midlands car industry (already on its knees) of withdrawal from the political EU - its cornerstone policy. It may only be 30 years since British Leyland represented the pinnacle of British car manufacturing, but the fact is that Toyota, Honda, Nissan, Ford, General Motors and other smaller manufacturers have all invested heavily in the UK since 1979 not despite our EEC/EC/EU membership, but of course because of it.

We will keeping our readers in the region up to speed with these and many other themes over the next few weeks as we ramp up our campaign.

If you are interested in helping, joining or supporting us please contact

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